Ashton Lane celebrate the release of their new album 'Travelling Mercies" due on 21st February with it's debut single "The Only One". It of course comes with a couple of trademark Ashton Lane qualities, Esther O'Connnor's vocals leading from the front and their ability at being able to find an unforgettable hook.
This time round there are at least 2 major hooks waiting to entice the listener, the first the initial "Whenever I Come" element of the chorus, the second the chant section ready made for an audience to sing along to.
The initial sound is ultra modern and radio friendly, with some gentle guitar work and a piano sound that flitters in and out throughout the track. With Esther's vocals taking the lead, gently and pleasingly echoed by husband Tim, it all goes to make a great introduction to the new record. Lyrically it is an expression of love "You're my light in the dark, I can feel you right in my heart as long as I am right where you are" and one that has come after having "spent years building walls around my fears".