If #TEAMw21 were pushed to name their most bizarre experience of 2023, then only one contender springs to mind and that was the 30 minutes at Long Road with
Beaux Gris Gris and The Apocalypse.
At times deafeningly loud with a guitarist walking the edge of the stage as if walking a tightrope, a keyboard player who just got up and played his keyboard slung around his neck like a guitar - the review noted " This was a total senses overload - your ears and eyes could only take so much in!"
They are back back back and the madness undoubtedly continues with a song about well who knows ? What does it matter when you have driving guitar riffs pounding drums and keyboards running amok with lead singer Greta Valenti in the accompanying video appearing as a vampire! At first she delivers a suitably rocking vocal before then moving into full regal mode to imposingly demand that "You better satisfy better satisfy your Queen!"
They are undoubtedly unique, brilliant and great fun - enjoy Beaux Gris Gris & The Apocalypse - Your Queen commands you!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9Gf_pg72Xg - Satisfy Your Queen video