It seems only a few weeks ago that Daisy was wooing us with lullabies and this week as a forerunner to a new album she is laying on us not only a new single but one that has sent us scurrying back into the heart of literature to the works of one Oscar Wilde.
The opening verse lifts phrases from one of Oscar Wilde's poems, "The Master", it's quite short and sees Joseph of Arimathea pondering on why he has not been crucified for performing the same miracles as Jesus.
Opening to a banjo and some harsh electronic drum sounds that subsides to just as a piano as Daisy gently announciates the opening verse. Gradually building through the pre chorus inro something of an explosion of a chorus
There's a powerful prominent banjo line along with that drum sound and support on electric guitar, that forms a perfect bed for Daisy's delicately dreamy vocals - it all makes for a quite compelling affair.
Later verses are a little closer to home and seem to be the disintegration of a relationship mixed with a little of Gloria Gaymor's "I Will Survive" sentiment with the final line "I will rise up"
"You can say what you want to say
Do what you got to do now
Take what you're taking away
I will rise up"
The later verses build in intensity and volume to great effect while that banjo on the chorus becomes ever more of an ear work burrowing into your consciousness along with Daisy's vocals.
Quite what you file it under apart from "Very good" i've no idea but as Dasiy's vocals fade away over some sort of distorted cello - you know you've been in the presence of something special.