Emilia's last release was the immensely powerful and personal "Medicate" EP, which was an intense affair with ythe listener hearing Emilia being brutally honest about elements of her past that needed to be aired. Possibly too honest to pick up the end of year acolades it surely deserved, but that was undoubtedly not in Emila's thinking at the time of release.
Her latest single "One Of You" is from the other end of the spectrum though equally honest and open, it is one that anyone can associate with - an expression of love to your nearest and dearest. For the first half it a a sort of acoustic demo, with just Emilia and her acoustic guitar, which concentrates your attention on exactly what is being said and how it is being sung and this is heartfelt honesty.
"It takes a special kind of feeling - the sound of a crucial voice
To burn my memory like yours does".
It all leads to the central theme of the song that there is "Only One of You".
The halfway point sees the arrival of a piano flourish and the overall sound suddenly increases in volume and intensity.
I can't list off the reasons that I want you by my side
It's just to complicated and I won't say it right
I hope you know I love ya and I'll always be here
This life ain't rght without you - my dear"
What is a intimate song from one person to another could easily make you feel like an eavesdropper on a private conversation however there is such a universal feeling being expressed that Emilia is essentially speaking for lovers everywhere who have that special person in their life.
The final section sees Emilia showing letting rip with her vocals in a most measured and beautiful way that really brings things to an epic conclusion but for a concluding "There's only one of you".
With the cover photo ofhand written lyrics only reaffirming what is being sung,and with the title boldly marked out, this is a fitting tribute that anyone should be proud to receive.