Easily the most identifiable person at Buckle & Boots 2023 was Robyn Red, her trademark red hat and long blonde hair made her stand out from the crowd. She was riding high on the back of an excellent single "When The Sun Sets", that was enough for us to recommend her as one to see last year, Playing solo on the Paddock Stage she more than rewarded us with a stellar set, the single being the occasion for an audience singalong.
Since that show she has played plenty of shows that #TEAMw21 have heard nothing but good things about and so we are eagerly awaiting her arrival on this years Main Stage with a full band. Her recorded output has increased by 50% which sadly only amounts to one song over the last twelve months however it was the excellent "Luke Jackson", the tale of a no good man who meets a somewhat grisly end at the hands of the ladies he has wronged. There is something to be said for making sure that your recordings are the best that they could possibly be but at this rate her first album won't be complete until 2032!

Robyn's arrival on the Buckle & Boots Main Stag and a prestigious London showcase in London in June are going to focus attention on to her to a much greater degree. With her striking appearance comes a powerful voice, she also possesses a relaxed on stage confidence - her prominent Scottish accent leaving no doubt as to where she hails from, Those that followed our advice and caught her last year were richly rewarded - she asked last year if she could bring her band and this year she will - opportunity knocks for Robyn Red and we have no doubt that she is going to grasp it with both hands.