Occasionally you cross paths with an artist that you immediately want to see more of but the fates conspire to make that difficult. Such is the case with Brighton based Gina Larner. All we've had so far is a supporting slot with Jade Helliwell at the 100 Club where she was something of an enigma, occasionally inventively using a laptop to support her overall sound.
That along with her excellent album "Something Good" made her someone that we immediately wanted to reacquaint with as soon as possible, there is a tour forthcoming in November with a full band however Long Road offers us the opportunity to squeeze in an additional rendezvous. Whether her appearance will be with a laptop or a band only adds to the anticipation on the day, she seems likely to excel whatever format she turns up in,

"Something Good" is packed with little classics "Ask Me" has all the hallmarks of a modern pop classic yet the fiddle sound anchors it back in the Americana world.
"I Think I Love You" starts as a neat little acoustic number with a tune Radiohead would be proud of before becoming a celebratory pop song.
The title track "Something Good" is a ballad that sees Gina's vocal soar in a song packed with powerful percussion while "Let Me See What I can Do" comes with a huge anthemic chorus that defies you not to want to singalong.

Gina's 2024 singles have only enhanced her reputation "One Way Or Another" is not a Blondie cover , instead it's a marvellous celebratory sound mixing Country sounds with big bombastic almost revivalist meeting enthusiasm - it's quite something.
"Sin" comes with a great polished video that uses effects and the location to great effect and looks far more expensive than it probably was.
"It's time for me to shine!" - and Long Road may just be the right occasion.
Gina's latest "Say What You Want" is awash with guitars and percussion making it probably her most overtly Americanaish tune in a while. It is blessed with a divinely catchy chorus and great attention to backing details.
On the basis of that 100 Club show, she is able to build a great rapport crowd which should serve her well at Long Road. Time with Gina will be anything but dull hence her making our who to see list.