Morganway finally hit a stage just about capable of possible containing them for what should be one of the stand out sets of the whole weekend. Ideally they'd be headlining the Saturday night but that seems to have been allocated to Don McLean however they will grace the premier stage of the Festival - the Rhinestone Stage.
#TEAMw21 first saw Morganway in an earlier incarnation at Buckle & Boots where even then there sweet sound lured us from the merch desk to watch their full set. A quick follow up gig in London at The Spice Of Life established them as our key go to band.
The current line up took the reputation of the original band and have developed it further, Having seen them play over forty times across the years, it is impossible to ever recall a set anything less than perfection.
There have been a few shows during that time where perhaps not all members were present and they would prove to be different rather than disappointing. The strength of Morganway is that interaction between all of the members, it is a delicate house of cards that cannot be rebuilt when one card is missing.
For those yet to see them live ( and frankly where have you been hiding?!!) what you will get is a blur of activity. At any given time, there will be at least four directions you could be looking in and possibly more. Leading from the front SJ's vocals will cover the full range from tender whisper to a sound that will break windows in nearby counties, she can also shake a mean tambourine. Keiran on guitar duties will deliver stellar riffs with an effortless ease while twin brother Callum provides bass and lead vocals on a number of tunes. Completing the front line and quite possibly the glue holding everything together is Nicole J Terry, primarily on flawless fiddle, but also contributing on backing vocals and providing a lot of the energy of the band with an incessant ability to stomp and pogo while also playing and singing. With Matt on keyboard duties bouncing up and down like a mad professor and Ed on percussion driving things relentlessly forward you have the complete combo.
With their third album recorded before the second one had even been released, this summer has seen them drip feeding us singles from it. There really is simply nowhere else you should be when they hit the stage.