One of the things that has promoted The Deep Blue to our must see list at Long Road is that we wanted to see how there sweet harmonies translate to a live environment. It is something they have obviously mastered as their recent UK tour poster had SOLD OUT scrawled across most of the venues.
They bring together rhythms and harmonies to make a sound that is quite special, with a great habit of giving their songs plenty of room to breathe. On a song like "Somebody's Daughter" they are as happy to have minimal instrumentation as they are to play as a full band if and when required.
Hailing from Manchester they seem set for big things so this represents an ideal opportunity to see them.

There's plenty of gems to find in their back catalogue.
2023's "Sugarcoat" starts with an a capella version of the 90 second title track, before moving on to what initially seems the quirky instrumentation of "How About It?", the star of the show on this track, being the entwining vocals. As it expands though,it reveals itself to be a classy little pop song, even progressing to be a bit of a rocker at one point. The way the vocals switch between your ears is an absolute sensory treat. The pure pop of "Lost Boy" is an absolute marvel while "Lakehouse" is a sublime mixture of vocals and percussion rhythms that #TEAMw21 can't wait to see transferred to a live environment.

It's predecessor 2021's "Taking On Water" has a similar mix of rhythms and harmonies. The instrumentation is perhaps more obviously present but it is hardly in your face. and the vocal harmonies are still truly outstanding.
The closing track "Cotton White Linen" is a beautiful combination of mainly a simple acoustic guitar and enchanting swirling harmonies that perhaps set the stage for the EP that followed.
In between and included on the physical CD as a bonus come a couple of 2022 singles - "Yellow & Gold" & "Take A Good Long Hard Look At Yourself". The former sees percussive filled verses move into synth choruses with no percussion - all the time overseen by sumptuous vocals. before they come together as one silky smooth pop song.

For "Take A Good Long Hard Look At Yourself" there is a gradual build up of instrumentation throughout, but it is undeniably the differing vocal lines that present the listener with a myriad of choices to follow that capture the attention.
Along with their current single "Cynical" it all goes to form a compelling body of work with not a misplaced step anywhere to be found.
Currently writing their third EP, perhaps The Long Road audience may get an early listen to what is coming in the future - The Deep Blue definitely have the potential to be one of the highlights of the whole weekend.