Currently garnering more attention than they can possibly have imagined from lazy journalists linking a cancelled date at a pub they were going play with it burning down - it's back to normality for Gasoline & Matches with a new single ahead of their appearance at The Long Road Festival, Many a time have #TEAMw21 stood next to them at Long Road so it will make a pleasant change to see them in their rightful place - on stage looking out and entertaining an expectant crowd.
"Patient Wolves" has been forming part of the Gasoline & Matches live set for some years now so it is great so see it finally realised complete with a striking cover of Steve & Sally Rea looking out to the sides with a large lupine presence looming behind them.
Always purveyors of a slightly superior type of Americana, in "Patient Wolves" Gasoline & Matches have retained all the essence of what made this a great live track and added their trademark, of lots of attention to detail, such as the mariachi trumpets, to elevate this recorded version further. It also, should one choose to go there, opens a debate as to whether like dogs, men ( even the best of us ) can revert to a cunning pack mentality where the female of the species is concerned.
"Patient Wolves" opens to a cinematic soundscape, of howling, guitars and a prominent drum sound which sets an ominous backdrop before shifting up a number of gears as if the tune suddenly starts to run with the pack. with the drums and guitar setting the pace.
"Gentlemen are Patient Wolves who design the game, and they break the rules"
The vocal duties are truly shared on this one with Steve fractionally more prominent as the songs narrator than on other G&M songs.
The chorus is instantly engaging and finds Steve conflicted, disdaining those who treat women badly yet still questioning whether that base instinct lies within. There are little clever nods to other wolf folklore with the red hinting at Little Red Riding Hood as much as it does the idealised female of "The Woman In Red".
"What do you want from me, how to be?
I try my damned hardest not to see.
You’re my prey, looking good enough to eat.
Temptation dressed in red, you better believe.
She’s a sight to see"
The final line of each chorus keeps changing as the song develops.
The second verse is where Steve is again found questioning himself
"I know deep down I’ve got a wild heart.
Am I like the rest with deadly charm?"
There us an attempt at a protective warning
"Don’t let him make a fool out of you.
Gentlemen are Patient Wolves"
though also an acceptance that if the pack does start running that
"I’ll be howling at the moon"
It all goes to make a single that is a success on a number of levels supplying top quality entertainment while making some valid observations on the human condition all wrapped up in a three and a half minute single. If only the press would give this release the same sort of attention as their current spurious reporting.
Watch out for Gasoline & Matches at Long Road - their set at Buckle & Boots with the addition of a saxophone into the overall live sound was an outstanding success - #TEAMw21 will expect nothing less from the Bards of Birmingham,
Patient Wolves, is out on August 18th 2023