Sophia Scott was one of our ones to watch across the C2C weekend and so it would prove. The scheduling was not exactly kind to her though. She managed to play the Barrelhouse Stage in a bitterly cold late afternoon slot, keeping her coat on, if a passing polar bear had invaded the stage it would not have been a surprise. On the Sunday she was allocated a vocal chord testing early 10:30 run out with the Song Suffragettes. The "Artists Area" is a secret little enclave of the O2, where artist go to rest between shows, in fact little resting seems to go on - there are normally a flurry of interviews happening all at the same time, occasionally an artist tuning up or there is the sound of showbiz schmoozing occurring as folk catch up with each other.

It is here that #TEAMw21 finally got the chance to catch up with Sophia, Dressed in the same coat that had kept her warm the previous evening, she was running on the energy of having just performed and after a long weekend playing in the most variable of conditions. She would prove to be great company, down to earth, honest and open - if we loved her before meeting her - our appreciation was only enhanced by spending a short time in her company.
#TEAMw21 - You've just come from the Song Suffragettes show with a couple of very different artists, the UK's very own Simeon Hammond Dallas and Abbey Cone - How did that go?
Sophia - It was great but it was a really early arrival, we had to be there at 08:00 - so I think I got about 2 hours of sleep last night. It's a whirlwind but it's such fun. I literally thought I was going to cry on stage listening to Abbey Cone. We were saying how the fans are so loyal and they listen - It's so much better playing for you guys here.
#TEAMw21 - Have you been surprised how many people know your songs and are singing them back you ?
Sophia - I WAS SHOCKED! - SHOCKED! - People were chasing me down and I was like "You know who I am?". It is so sweet - This girl was crying she said "I play you in my car every single day - you got me through my divorce". It has truly been the most special special week.
#TEAMw21 - We saw you play quite possibly the coldest set anyone has ever played - on the Barrelhouse Stage on Friday
Sophia: Oh it was chilly! I'm from Colorado so people were saying "You should be used to the cold weather" . At least when I played the Big Entrance Stage - the sun came out - I was one of the few along with Simeon where it came out
#TEAMw21 - We came out and all of a sudden you were in a T Shirt and sunglasses
Sophia - It was hot on stage - It was heaven. - I was like "Thank You God!"
#TEAMw21- We first came across you about 7 years ago with your cover of Emeli Sande's "River"
Sophia - Oh my God! That is so old - My gosh - you are big fans.
#TEAMw21 - It was shame that we did not get to see you play piano
Sophia: I don't know how I would have got one over
#TEAMw21 - We had Avery Anna over here last year and being able to play keys makes you stand out in a weekend of acoustic guitars, next time we will sort one for you
Sophia - Yes she's so good
#TEAMw21 - You have such distinct vocals and then with the addition of the piano - it makes something special. You've done "undone" stripped back versions of your songs which we love - Is there more of that planned for the new album?
Sophia - Strangely we were just talking about that - I'm not sure which ones yet, but there's some I want to strip down
#TEAMw21 - Please do City Limits
Sophia - City Limits - yeah - That's the obvious one I'd like to do. I got you! I wrote that song so long ago but then we though it really fits on this album.
#TEAMw21 - Are the stripped down versions your decisions or a record company decision?
Sophia - I always really like to do it and I'm always encouraged by my friends who say "We love the big production numbers but there's something special about your voice when it is stripped down" - There's an honesty there.
#TEAMw21 - We need to ask you about the whole baptism in waterfalls things experience you mentioned in the introduction to "Wild Flowers" at the Barrelhouse show.
Sophia - It's a long story, I was going through a break up, so I found it very healing to just reconnect with nature and be outside as much as possible. I would go for walks and try to get my mind clear. There was this one day last summer when I was in a bad funk and I thought I need to be ,outside - so I googled waterfalls and the nearest one was 2 hours away, so I just took a solo trip outside of Nashville to this waterfall. I took my journal with me and ( pauses slightly ) a joint, and then I just hung out by this rock for a while, took a nap and then woke up and did some journalling.
I cried a lot and was just enjoying the nature and had this sort of spiritual experience where I felt really connected to the world around me. For some reason and I know it sounds kind of bizarre, I dove and dunked myself under the water and had this feeling of rebirth. Then I went under the sun and I felt that I've freed myself and for the first time in a while I felt I was going to be ok, not only ok but better than I was. I could see a brighter future then I had and it was really nice. I was appreciating the wild flowers around me and that became the title of the song. The next project will definitely feature "Wild Flowers" - If "Bar Stool Confessions" was the bad side of coping mechanisms then "Wild Flowers" is the new healthy outlook.
The other one was the drinking and the self sabotage, I haven't been single for 10 years so it's a new experience for me now. I'm finding I've never been independent and alone with my own thoughts, sitting with the uncomfortable stuff and as much as it sucked it's been good for me, and I've grown a lot.
#TEAMw21 - It does yield a lot of good material as well
Sophia - My friend Jamie Kenney was saying - "I know you are eager and ready to move on and be happy again but for the rest of the world live in this moment for a bit. There'll be a time when you are happy that you'll need this material.
#TEAMw21 - So the new project?
Sophia - When I get back we have a label meeting to talk about what this new project will be, whether it's an album or an EP. The songs are a little more happy, and more mature, sonically, rootsy and bluesy - almost old school country I'd say. There'll be a lot of live instrumentation - I'm excited about that.
#TEAMw21 Have you enjoyed the weekend enough to want to come back?
Sophia - Oh my God - I want to move here - and stay forever - I want to come back in the Summer

About Sophia
Based in Nashville but raised in Colorado, Sophia Scott has blazed her own bold trail to Country stardom. With a rare gift for raw yet exquisitely detailed storytelling and a one-of-a-kind sound infused with elements of Southern Rock, Pop, R&B, and Soul. The singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist has amassed over 92 MILLION career streams and drawn nearly ONE MILLION monthly listeners to date.
Growing up in Boulder, she took up piano and guitar as a child and soon started composing songs of her own, then further developed her unforgettably candid songwriting voice upon kicking off her music career in Los Angeles. During her six years in L.A., Scott found early success with singles like 2018’s “White Fence” and 2019’s “Drink Too Much Wine” (both featured on coveted playlists like Spotify’s New Music Friday), but ultimately relocated to Nashville and immersed herself in sharpening her craft.
A breakthrough year for Scott, 2021 brought such triumphs as opening for the Jonas Brothers, landing on an artists-to-watch list from People, and inking her record deal with EMPIRE Nashville. The fast-rising artist maintained that momentum throughout 2022, when she delivered her widely acclaimed debut EP One Of These Days — a six-song project that earned praise from American Songwriter, E! News, Entertainment Tonight, and CMT (who stated that “Nashville newcomer Sophia Scott proves she has a bright future ahead in the genre”) and explored such complex subjects as watching her loved ones struggle with addiction (on the fan-favorite “Side Effects”).
Along with signing a global publishing deal with Warner Chappell Music and Ross Golan’s Unknown Music Publishing in 2022, Scott's debut album "Barstool Confessions" is out now.
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