Hot on the heels of her sell out UK tour and ahead of her next sell out Girls Night In tour in conjunction with Jess Thristan, Jade Helliwell and Demi Marriner comes the new single from Kezia Gill "Whiskey Over Ice". It was one of the stand out tracks from the evening at "The Water Rats and its transition from live belter to polished single has left it possibly her most accomplished single to date.
From the opening drum intro to the swathes of guitars that follow, it has the rootsiness of UK playing with the polish of American production, added by having Grammy nominated producer Justin Cortelyou mix and master the single over in Nashville to give it that "Radio Shine".
It is a song charged with sexual tension from the very off as we are introduced to two people in a bar and they are clicking!
"Isn't all a bit crazy the way this feels?
From the minute you called me "Baby" I was head over heels
It's like I've known you my whole life but i've just learnt your name
Right here, right now in this bar - things will never be the same"
The chorus, full of drink analogies works exceptionally well, as after all we are in a bar!! It is a rocking chorus that seems destined to be sung back to Kezia at volume across the summer.
"You're like an ice cold beer - you got me wanting you - ok?
You're like a tall fine wine, taking my cares away
Like a shot of Tequila - baby I can feel ya and it's making my heart race
Something about tonight it just feels right, like Whiskey Over Ice"
The second verse plays again with the drinking analogies and Kezia delivers in a perfect tipsy timbre!
I'm feeling a little bit tipsy I'm getting drunk on you
I'm not feeling quite so single sharing a double or two"
The bridge act as a reassuring couple of lines confirming that this is the real deal rather than some sort of drunken entanglement.
"Feels like a dream, like I'm under a spell - could be the whiskey but I just can't tell
One things for sure even if I was sober - I still would not want this night to be over"
It's pithy punchy and powering its way to the top and we can all raise our glasses to that!!