Lauren Lizabeth is a new name to #TEAMw21 but one that we think we'll be getting much more acquainted with. Originating from Rhode Island but now based in Nashville,her latest single "Wreck It" marks her out as one to definitely watch.
There's lots of things to admire in this song which announces itself with a gloriously big piano intro, not least the subject matter which is something of a twist on the usual relationship themes with Lauren pondering on a somewhat at times tempestuous relationship. It is great when it's good "Like a needle dropped on vinyl locked in the same groove" but trouble and a break up are never far away "You know this ain't the first time just the first time since our last" so Lauren is forced to ask if it is better to make a final decision as "All this back and forth is making me and mess".
Although the end result is inevitable, it is obvious that this is not a decision to be taken lightly "Should we try to carry on or are we better off on our own?" and this gives the song a genuine warmth and lack of malice, as she recognizes that "There's still something good here". With at times lush strings and with Lauren's vocals conveying just the right amount of uncertainty, this is a great introduction to Lauren.