Fulfilling a promise made at the years C2C Festival, Kerri Watt succeeded in delivering a full band London date and with a videographer on hand filming every second. As the four piece band played the opening introduction, paving the way Kerri to take to the stage - it was immediately apparent that there was one secret she had not revealed at C2C, for she was clearly carrying child number two. Not that it would in anyway hamper her performance in fact at times so vigorously was Kerri moving around, it seemed like we might be calling for hot towels at any moment! - the baby will surely be born with a natural sense of rhythm.

With two taps of the drummers drumsticks, it was straight into "Kissing Fools", with Kerri providing support on tambourine.With a full band, the sound was heavier, with more bass, prominent drums and guitar embellishments than perhaps we have ever seen before. It therefore gave Kerri free reign to really attack the vocals with some gusto. From there it was straight into the new single "Never Have I Ever", previewed at C2C and to be released the following week. the confessions of teenage antics - revealed with her Mum onlooking!. It got the crowd joining in on the "Never Have I Ever" refrain.
Kerri would don a guitar, as the band hit a more soulful groove for "Band Of Gold" in an excellent version - the chorus as infectious as ever, The opening songs delivered like a boxers blows one after the other in a breathtaking ( literally for Kerri ) powerful opening. Another song slated for release later in the year was "Whiskey Is Different" highlighting the differences between how the drink is seen by the good folk of Nashville and those from Scotland. This was a ballad, and let Kerri adopt a more country style vocal.
#TEAM21 have spent a lot of time extolling the virtues of her debut album "Neptune's Daughter" and so this extended set was a first chance to air some of the songs from it live. One such example "Waking Up In California" would see Kerri move to hand holding the mic for her delivery, There was a contrast between the musical jabs of the verses which then exploded into a wall of sound on the chorus, with Kerri boldly out front powering out "California Baby - You're The Dream" ever more passionately. In a strange episode of serendipity, the song about pondering about having children and a career " Chasing Aeroplanes" came with the confirmation ( as if it were required ) of her with child status! Once again the band would hit a subdued sound, this time funky for the verses before unleashing a full on band sound for the chorus which Kerri was clearly revelling in.

At this stage the band would leave and we would have an "acoustic mini set". One of the singles from "Neptune's Daughter", "Jessie" had it's full back story revealed, about how it had been shelved for years. Simultaneously jaunty and yet a little dark to say the least, Kerri was perfectly at home playing her first ever song solo on guitar, playing with the tempo to full effect and enjoying every moment. Mining a more soulful groove "Feeling Alright" had a summery anthem feel to it. The next song would see Jonny Morgan who had provided support, return to the stage for the slowed down brooding take on "Cut Me Loose", he seemed to find a new voice for his part. An excellent song in either version, this slightly sinister brooding take had a dark soul feel to it. Kerri would then move to piano for her "James Bond" song - "Hellfire", it certainly has the rise and falls associated with such cinematic songs.
The band would return, and immediately got things rocking with the title track from "Neptunes Daughter", with the "This is the time of our lives" line sounding positively anthemic - the volume certainly upped a few decibels and the party atmosphere was enhanced by the audience "Nah Nah Nah'ing" along.

A piano intro then took is in a more traditional soulful direction for "Life Is Better With You" - the initial verse and chorus being just Kerri singing against a piano backing. The band would subsequently join in what was the strongest song in a quality batch of new material.
The recent single "Predictable" would once again see Kerri take the mic in her hand, in this somewhat rocked up version that took it to another level replete with a full on guitar solo. A sassy rock fusion came next in a somewhat uptown funk style version of "Can't Catch Me" - with Kerri a blur of activity. She would leave the stage while the band was playing safe in the knowledge that this was a top quality evening. With a few singles to be released across the summer it is going to be much later in the year before we se Kerri return to live action.