When Morganway emerged from their covid enforced lay off they emerged with a clutch of new songs and none stood out more than "World Stopped Running" with its rousing audience participation chorus.This song seemingly needed little explanation for the audience to know their part and every time #TEAMw21 have seen it played live it never fails to deliver and stir an audience - even the most reluctant wallflower can be found bellowing out their own backing vocals with some gusto.
It will be the third single to come from the forthcoming second Morganway studio album and if there is any justice in the world it should propel them forward on to the next level of their career - it is simply stunning and also a little different from recent Morganway singles. For this song SJ Mortimer has relinquished lead vocals to Callum Morgan who has never sounded better, but then this is a Morganway song and so all of the band will contribute vocals at some point adding to the overall brilliance of the track,
Thing begin a bit like the ride up to the start of a rollercoaster - the opening intro of Matt's keyboard twinning for a change with Nicole's fiddle then joined by Ed Bullinger's drums which steadily build and then whoosh we are off into the incessant hook line, and you never look back from there as you go on the ride of a lifetime.
As to what it is about - the phrase "World Stopped Running" is not used in the context of a documentary detailing how things ground to a halt - it is more about the opposite saying "We're not going to keep moving - it is time to stop and face things
The opening rallying cry
"It's time to get up on your feet - it's time to listen to the beat
There'll be no-one left asleep - feel the people on the street"
is matched by the exuberance, the freedom, of times changing in the second verse
"I want to live this day with you - I want to climb a mountain to
They tried to hide what's true, but we're heading somewhere new"
There's time for a brief respite in the middle to catch your breath, and for Kieran's guitar become more prominent but then it's a glorious race to the finish. It's a track that makes you feel uplifted and glad to be alive - if it does not signal Morganway's breakthrough to bigger things then the Nation collectively needs their ears syringed.
Play loud and then play again and again until your neigbour demands to know who it is!!