When "Dancing On The Floor" was released last year it was immediately popular at #W21Towers. With it's driving guitar refrain, its charms were very hard to resist. For their latest release O&O have stripped away all of the instrumentation and "reimagined" it as piano ballad with only a cello as company, and they have also changed the vocal duties over so that it is now Orian whose voice greets us.
These alterations change our relationship with the song, immediately thrusting attention on to the content of the lyrics and on the delivery of them - with so little else to distract there is no room for mistakes. The familiar guitar riff from the earlier version is now slightly slowed down and picked out on the piano, giving the track a completely different vibe, and Orian's new and simply divine vocals once again change our whole relationship with the song.
When Orian sings "Next time I'll be the wiser, hand on the Bible, swear I'll behave", it provokes a response that makes you wonder what on earth she has done, whereas with Obadiah singing the line as he did on the original it evokes a totally different reaction, with us knowing only too well what he may have done!
The chorus sees Orian showcase some quite exquisite vocal work as her voice elegantly rises through the title of the song and there is a definite vulnerability as she sings "I have nobody to blame but the devil on both shoulders", the little voices that encourage us to do the things that we shouldn't. It's a theme that is returned to later in the song and despite all of the talk of "Next time" there are signs that nothing is going to change in the near future
"When the morning breaks you'll find me lying in regret, but I will ride through hell again with the devil on both shoulders"
Obadiah makes an appearance about half way through and the song becomes a duet with the dual harmonies combining excellently as usual. If you liked this song first time round, then this really deserves your attention to see just what a wonderful job O&O have made of this "reimagination", and if you missed it first time round then make a point to listen to both versions, you'll be richly rewarded..