One of the artists we are most looking to catching back up with at Country Calling is Alyssa Flaherty. #TEAM21 met her in Nashville where she disappointed us by not playing any of her tunes that we knew, only to then knock us sideways by playing six new ones that were as good if not better. She also has a wonderful habit of following up each of her singles some weeks later with an acoustic version of the same song, it gives an idea as to how the song sounded when it was created and also will be closer to the clarity of sound you may hear at a Songwriters Round in Nashville.
When we met she was both charming company and extremely focused, those new songs were part of 3 EP's worth of material that she already had planned in her head, she's probably written a few more crackers since then.
The release of the acoustic version of "Liquor With Cowboys" was delayed no doubt by having to squeeze in the release of "January Warm With You" in it's appropriate time slot but it ihas arrived now and it is one to savour. Just Alyssa, her guitar and a pedal steel is all that you get on this version but what else do you need? It brings Alyssa's voice beautifully to the fore, and lets you savour the sassy little put downs even more. If you do nothing else at the Country Calling Festival, and there is a lot to go an see, make sure you make a bee line to catch Alyssa Flaherty - you will not regret it.
Here's our review of the original single

Her latest "Liquor With Cowboys" manages to build a sound from little more than some minor percussion and a couple of guitars, one of them a wailing pedal steel that immediately sets the tone for the "Cowboy" element of the song.
Coming from outside of Nashville we sense that she has already come across the stereotype outlined in her song too often. The opening verse establishes a couple of things, the type of men who effectively see women as cattle, again tying in with cowboy element of the title, as well as Alyssa as a sassy confident young lady not about to be bowled over by one - the closing lines clearly state that.
"No, I ain't hiding from the truth
My girls, they know it too
I got a thing for boots
And you came here to rope one in
I know that kinda grin
But tonight that old Stetson is a
Casamigos, no lime, no salt
I don't wanna hear another Southern drawl
You would've known better if you knew me at all
But you don't and you won't"
The chorus seems to play with expectations, the instrumentation builds up yet Alyssa's delivery deliberately slows down as she dispatches her would be suitor with a flea in his ear. This little touch immediately makes the single stand out from the crowd. The references to the "Cowboy" way of life continue with talks of "Saddle up" and the phrase "Ride out west" is a cheeky little inclusion. The sound has Alyssa providing swathes of her own backing vocals to great effect also.
"Cause I don't chase liquor with cowboys
Saddle up and move along to the next
I bet you get around, boy
And I ain't looking for a ride out West
So go on and get gone
'Cause I don't chase liquor with cowboys"
The sassiness continues into the second verse, both in lyrics and the confident style of delivery.
"I might even let you think we've got some chemistry
So you buy me a drink
But tonight it's straight 80 proof
I'm cutting casanovas loose"
In essence, the single is constructed around one simple idea and developed from there, what you do get though is just a glimpse at the harmonies within Alyssa's range and barely the tip of the iceberg in terms of what is to come in terms of her songwriting ability. Remember where you heard it first!!!
You can see Alyssa alongside many other amazing artists at Country Calling Festival this August in Chelmsford.
Tickets are on sale now: https://www.country-calling.com/