Before you tell us - this cover picture is actually the right way up - It is the cover of the new single by Amy Vix - "Cld Shoulder". If the name sounds familiar but the picture is possibly confusing you, then you may have come across Amy as part of Savannah Gardner's full live ensemble, but she has been active as a solo performer for some years with a back catalogue that we here at #TEAMw21 have much enjoyed digging into such at the excellent "Mechanics" EP and her singles from 2018 and 2019.
Amy's style of music is as idiosyncratic as Savannah's while sounding absolutely nothing like it. It's a fusion of styles, even within this one song, there's a bit of folk a bit of rock all loosely wrapped up in an Americana wrapper. Amy's voice also has a fluidity about it equally at home in the folkier bits as it is in the rock elements, at one point there's almost a touch of some Kate Bush influence. It all makes for a great listen as it is totally unlike anything else.
The one Venn diagram crossover point between Savannah and Amy is that both like to pack complex ideas in the format of the pop song. "Cold Shoulder" is no exception - it sees Amy totally cutting someone out of her life,
The opening is just Amy and an acoustic guitar, it's almost folky and Amy's vocals have a sort of dreamy quality to them
"A faded soft smile
On a friendly face
No longer here
Just like the warm embrace"
The word "embrace" kick starts a complete change in sound with a heavy drum kicking in - the vocals also turn more aggressive especially on the final line.
"We’re fools but wasn’t it fun
Now I’ve got to go
Cause I’m not fooling anyone"
That feeling of pretending all is fine when deep down you know it really isn't is not something Amy is prepared to tolerate.

The chorus rocks,it is split into two parts, the first half very much screaming enough is enough
"I’m not talking to you,
I’m not giving you piece of my mind"
The second half is made up of few words but they carry a lot of meaning - the acknowledgement that Amy has has reached a time in her life where she can decide who she does and does not want to associate with, followed by the action to be taken
"I’m older, cold shoulder
I’m older, cold shoulder"
It's different, it's defiant and it is definitely therefore more interesting. The chorus carries come additional backing vocals but no further words are added,
The second verse is supported by some additional synth sounds, and reinforces the view that this course of action is not taken lightly. If feels uncomfortable and there is no great joy to be had - it is a necessary course of events.
"As I move my head
To avert your gaze
My warm heart
Is still rattling in it’s cage
Not cool and this is not fun"
The bridge sees more of the restrained anger that has been gradually bubbling up, , the vocal get louder and louder, more intense preparing for the final assault on the chorus
"I’m warming
I’m warming
I’m turning up the heat
I’m warming
I’m warming
And it’s not something that you’ll see"
The final take on the chorus sees Amy's trademark rock guitar sound feature more prominently, its a relatively fleeting appearance but enough to remind us of her undoubted abilities. It is a most intriguing introduction to Amy as a recording artist and while we wait for the next installment - there's plenty of back catalogue to get more familiar with.
Cold Shouder Pre Save Link https://ffm.to/coldshoulderamyvix