The latest single from April Moon "Long May We Roam" arrived at #TEAMw21 towers and immediately made an impact for being a little different from everything else, in a good way we hasten to add. There is something charming about this folky country number that at first seems a little lo-fi and simple but then shows itself to be quite clever and intricate.

Jaime April & Jason Moon (APRIL MOON) hail from the prairies of Saskatchewan but left the ol' family farm to seek fame and fortune. Travelling around in their campervan (The Clubhouse), they play music across the Northwest of England. This is their second single of 2024 and it is something of a paean to their way of life, taking in elements of their day to day lives and the wonders around them,
A prominent banjo, a guitar and a sound akin to a drum rim being hit provide much of the sound in this jaunty upbeat tune but it is the intricacy of the vocal interplay that endeared this song to us most of all. Take the opening, Jason comes in first
"Run through the meadow arms open if you want to - Feel the wind on a calm day"
then Jaime alone sings "Don't you love that"
then both sing "sun pouring down on your head you gotta" before things then swing back where we started with Jason singing solo again. "kick off your shoes they'll be there in the morning - when the new day is calling"
and so on and so forth. This constant interchange of vocals, shakes the listener into paying more attention if only to follow what is going on!
The chorus sees April Moon again perform as a duo - like all duo's when they both sing is when the real magic happens.
"May tomorrow be unknown - the dreamer looks around and longs
Wanderer he sails beyond -homes right here right now"
The song a tribute to life in the camper van and appreciating all the beauty in nature that they find surrounding them, t
"Open your eyes flowers are a blooming just for you if you see them"
or where they
"Raise our glasses" when they get together in the evening to share their tales of woe!
With a quirky guitar solo and prominent banjo, this as joyful a single as you'll hear all summer and great fun. May April Moon's camper van days long continue.
Long May We Roam is released 21st May