With the news still relentlessly bleak a lot of the time it would be easy to succumb to some sort of misery fatigue and just try to bury your head and forget about it. It's at times like this that Hannah White pops up to remind us why we should not be so blase, putting the politics aside and focusing on the rights of the victims, the innocent pawns in conflicts across the world.
There's an intro of drum, bass and guitar before Hannah's vocals come in with the repeated phrase
"Let Me Introduce Myself" - which is going to be an immediate trigger for many of a certain age as it touches on Mick Jagger into on "Sympathy For The Devil". It's a gentle prelude for what is to come almost a clearing of the throat.
The opening verse outlines Hannah's current position in life and it's not ideal yet in comparison it would seem like a paradise.
"I live in a home I don’t own on land that’s not mine
Eat food I’ve not grown, that border’s a line
A nation I’m born to, a language I speak
With rights I’ve not earned while others don’t have"
The verse trails into the chorus and it is a reminder of the brutality of the situation with Hannah nailing each line in with a passionate urgent demanding delivery.
"The right to clean water
And the right to shelter
And the right to safety from harm, safety from harm, no safety from harm"
The solution in the next verse is one that the innocents across the world would all surely agree with -
"I am the hope that I feel when I refuse to divide
And I forgive someone out there who’s hurt me inside
And when I hear something hateful I don’t understand
I chose love over anger and still hold out a hand
As if we’re the same"
It is as the chorus that follows declares surely the only way.
It is another selection from Hannah's year long project of a single per month, they are always an interesting arrival, as there is never any clue as to what they may deliver yet it is always worth the wait.