Some songs you know you are going to love before you have even heard them and the faces of Katie Nicholas and Robert Vincent looking out from the cover of "You Kill Me" is one of them . It marks the return of Katie to country music duties and it it is the most welcome of returns.
"You Kill Me" opens in the most traditional Nashville of ways, with an acoustic and pedal steel guitar,
"I know I forge an act of treason
When my visiting reason
Is cause for concern
And as I grip the edge of your bed
I fear that something that I said
Will make your stomach churn"
Katie's vocals in the second verse are lightly tracked by Robert's additional vocals, in the most softest of ways.
"Well there's little more than I can say
You hurt me in the softest way"
This is very much a couple on the brink of break up, the later verses do nothing to dissuade that opinion.
"Now I'm not one to fall for conclusions
But I just love the illusion
That we are one and the same
And is there something that stops you from leaving
Or is it just heavy breathing that keeps you in the frame"
The sound has now been joined for a while by the most delightful fiddle sound that has made this single even more traditional.
It kills me when you call, cos it gets me every time
Well you told may that you can't commit
That love feels like a crime - and it kills me"
The bridge ends on one the most damning statements sung in the most sweetest of voices, Katie really upping the volume on that opening line.
So forgive my naivete and I'll forgive you for leading me
Down places where we shouldn't be and I curse the day we met"
The last chorus sees both Robert and Katie pull out the most beautiful of vocals that are diametrically opposed to the harsh realities that they are singing about.
Presave "YOU KILL ME" at https://ffm.to/youkillme - You will not be disappointed.