One of the first signs of Christmas approaching is the sound of Noddy Holder belting out Slade's yuletide anthem. It's wild it's rawkus and just a little bit rowdy - so what if you want the same sentiment but just a little bit smoother, refined and dare we say it countrified.
Well worry no more for just in time for Christmas comes Katy Hurt & Two Ways Home with their rendition of the perennial present giving, party pleaser. As with all slowed down versions of classic songs you suddenly find that you've been mishearing the lyrics for years. #TEAMw21 can recall the red nose reindeer line but the rest is a revelation!!!
"Does he ride a red-nosed reindeer?
Does a ton-up on his sleigh?
Do the fairies keep him sober for a day?"
It is all taken at a sedate pace as if we were riding a wagon across the prairie, with Katy Hurt leading off in the most dreamy angelic manner.
With a mixture of acoustic and pedal steel guitars this is a version you can enjoy without fear of annoying your hangover. It all ends by drifting away as if it were all a dream. The only thing missing would be Lewis adopting a Noddy Holder style timbre and announcing "It's Christmas" at the end but we guess that would be out of keeping with the rest of the tune.
Tis the season to be merry - and this is three and a half minutes that does just that - enjoy!