Having spent thee months working on the video for her last single, one would easily be forgiven for thinking that Rachel Croft might take a while to pop out another one, but you'd be wrong because "This Was Never Love" is now available, and yes it comes with another striking video.
It starts in a somewhat jarring fashion with the first few seconds seeing the sound shifting from speaker to speaker before a drum kicks in and things start properly with Rachel reminiscing
"That was the table we sat
When I poured my heart out to you
That was the seat, you said nothing
The way that you always do"
There is a pulsing electro vibe in the background as Rachel relays the opening verse. The two parties seem complete opposites, one cold and impassive while the other expressive and emotional.
This is a song called "This Was Never Love" where each syllable is delivered deliberately, singularly, making sure to nail each one home leaving no doubt as to what the overall sentence means. It plays out over powerful percussion and prominent guitar riffs.
The difference between the two parties is brought to the fore in a disturbing second verse.
"I feel full colour but all that you do is in monochrome
Blind to my shame and the pressure, the first time we were alone
You're made of wood, but I can be fire
I can be ice and glass and stone
You buried your head, cos you were a coward
Left me to face it on my own"
The later verse returns to Rachel looking in through the window
"Stare through the window - at ghosts of us there in our faded hue
There was a time in my life when I thought that I hated you
But wounds turn to scars, faded old marks
Marks that you barely feel no more
And looking back, it's hard to tell
What all my tears were wasted for"
At times it feels like we are intruding on private matters yet these moments are obviously important for Rachel to air.
There is a chorus where it is all but pummelled home, not just by Rachel's vocals, but also the tumultuous pounding drums and repeating guitars. Rachel's vocals soar off into long extended notes before reprising the chorus one final time in that one syllable manner.
The accompanying video uses the effects from the "Failure" but without the same narrative adventure. It does still show Rachel at her most expressive - seemingly holding on for dear life, then maybe falling, and a host of other emotions all accentuated by the manually highlighted surroundings.
This Was Never Love - lyric video
Failure video - if you have yet to see this then you simply MUST!