With the "Round Up" on temporary hiatus, it seems like it has been a while since we have heard from Two Ways Home but they are back back back with a new single "Medicine Man". Not only are they returning to action but they are now rockier than ever before. For anyone that has seen "Festival" Two Ways Home as opposed to "Round Up" Two Ways Home this may not come as a total surprise. Lewis is often to be found at Buckle and Boots even if TWH are not playing as lead guitarist for someone else, relishing making a bit of noise and anyone that saw the Two Way Home album show at The Half Moon or indeed any of their festival appearances will know that when they want to, normally with the aid of Michael Clancy they can indeed rock.
The phrase "Medicine Man" conjures up two images to #TEAMw21, the first from the weekend westerns that festooned the tv channels in the 70's and 80's - normally a wise Native American who could rustle up a remedy based upon the nature surrounding them. The second and probably more pertinent one to this single is the snake oil salesman willing to sell quack cures and skip town before they are found out, maybe breaking a heart or two in the process. This song covers one such dalliance.
The opening strummed intro has Lewis leading the vocals
“You come and go like a travelling Medicine Man,
You move in slow then leave as fast as you can
You're a shelter from the storm the only one who understands
You love like lightning, then you steal the thunder
Right out of my hands.”
The song then embarks on this new heavier direction, with a big thumping drum providing the back beat - and the guitar sound, rockier, heavier and more upfront in the mix than you have ever hear from them before. Someone overhearing from afar thought we were playing a new Brothers Osborne single!!
The second verse tried to paint a more nuanced picture of the subject of the song, but once a cheater always a cheater. which leaves him in something of a quandary.
"Now I'm sober in the pouring rain - Been tired two months and I'm tired of pain
Walking right side of the law again, but towing the line just don't feel the same"
This leaves him therefore in something of a quandary.
"She's the only one who makes me feel
Like a million bucks with sex appeal
Voice in my head says she's mad for you
But telling myself is the last thing I want to do"
This later section and chorus see Isy, playing a more meaningful part on backing vocals. in fact the final verse becomes more of a duet sung to the clinking of bottles being filled with fake remedies.
"Snake oil and lies are what you hide behind - lies are the main thing you prescribe
Feel like a king in the palm of your hand - but every word is my command"
This next section is almost sung as a duet as if each side of the relationship knows how tenuous and fragile it is.
"I can't take my eyes off you when you're walking away -
Knowing that every time should be the last time that I see your face
I love to watch you leave but I miss you when you go"
Only in the final few seconds does the sound drop to barely an acoustic as Lewis explains his raison d'etre
"Tell me again as you deal me in - looks like my hand is pretty thin
With a poker face you cheat and win, then you pack your bags and you're gone again"
It's a bold opening let's see what other wonders Two Ways Home have to sell us.
This new direction obviously has a grand concept behind it as "The Travelling Medicine Show" is the name of the next Two Ways Home tour in May - see details below.

"Medicine Man" weaves a tale as old and mysterious as time, capturing the elusive spirit of
a fleeting romance with a nomadic healer of hearts, wrapped in lyrics that echo through
the soul: “you come and go like a travelling medicine man, you move in slow then leave as
fast as you can,” and “you love like lightning, then you steal the thunder right out of my
hands.” This marks a pivotal shift towards rockier, heavy-hitting music that Two Ways Home
have envisioned for their forthcoming releases and will also be showcasing at their
upcoming Traveling Medicine Show tour in May.