One of the immense pleasures #TEAMw21 had while on tour in Nashville was seeing VInnie Paolizzi and his songwriting colleagues perform at a very plush Songwriters round - Southern Rounds at Analog, a club situated in the Hutton Hotel. One of the songs aired that night was "The Song That Makes Me Rich" and now it has appeared as a fully realised version, that will form part of Vinnie's new EP - "Spaghetti Western Volume 1"
In his introduction that night Vinnie explained that the song had been created at the end of a non productive Songwriting session from a seemingly throwaway comment, Like true Songsmiths, the day was saved and that kernel of an idea was soon worked up into a song that is just that little bit smarter and more knowing than your average tune and naturally having such a joyful title it comes with a twist.
The opening verse like the live version we witnessed is just Vinnie and his acoustic guitar.
"One day i'll write a song that makes me rich
There'll be a truck and a beer and a town and a girl in it
It'll be sung in a major key,
It'll climb the charts at records speed
I'm gonna have me a big old hit"
The opening chorus adds relatively little instrumentation, a piano key here and there provide the slightest of additions to Vinnie's playing. The major change is the tone of the lyrics, the Songwriters optimism of that opening verse has now been tempered by the realities of his circumstances. It's a neat turn of events turning the song from one of bravado into something more grounded and real.
"In that song the girl won't walk away
The guy will hit one knee, knowing what she'll say
They'll see it through, they'll work it out
Fill every frame inside their house
Grow old, their love will never fade
It'll be three chords and anything but true
The song that makes me rich won't be about you"
The final pay off line is the cue for the band to kick in, there's percussion and an additional guitar but overall the sound remains uncluttered leaving Vinnie plenty of room to relay the remaining story of unbridled success built on personal sadness.. The tale of career successes and amassed personal wealth are sung in the most deliciously downbeat way.
"Every cover band is going to know the words
To the happiest damn song you've ever heard
It'll keep the lights in my mansion on
It'll pay the guys that mow my lawn
It'll remind me what we never were
In a telling bridge the contrast between the global success and the failed personal relationship could not be clearer.
"It'll be simple, it'll be easy
The whole world will sing along
But you'll see right through me"
Vinnie and his fellow songwriters, Colton Venner and Derek Bahr have created a little gem, that sets the expectations high for what the new EP will bring when it is released on 31st January.
For those planning to be in Nashville on Feb 6th ( and boy do we wish we were ) then the EP will be played out in full where Vinnie will be joined by Colton Venner and another of the artists we saw at Analog Jack McKeon among others for what promises to be a great evening.